fire brigade toolshed, Neuss-Grefrath

Lüttenglehner Straße 41c, 41472 Neuss

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Wichmann Architekten & Ingenieure GmbH

Stadt Neuss, Gebäudemanagement

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fire brigade toolshed, Neuss-Grefrath

This new fire station’s hallmark is the clear formal separation of the two areas accommodated in two separate structures.
The square fire engine hall has a glass facade made of bent glass, which outlines the engines’ shapes and colours to be seen from the outside and gets natural light in.
The two-storey rectangular structure accommodates the offices and training rooms incl. all incidental functions. A monolithic clinker building with continuous windows, this structure contrasts with the glass hall that seems rather industrial by comparison.
In their reduced aesthetics and artful dimensions, the two structures form a design unit that fits into Grefrath.

Award: Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005 (State of NRW/chamber of architects NRW) Recognition: Good buildings award 2006 of BDA Dusseldorf
Auszeichnung: Vorbildliche Bauten in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2005 (Land NRW/Architektenkammer NRW)
Anerkennung: Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2006 des BDA Düsseldorf

Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW
Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2006 (BDA Rechter Niederrhein), Auszeichnung

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 08.03.2024


Architecture » Public Buildings » Municipal (fire brigade, police)

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