Haus Nuphaus

Luise-Hensel-Straße 6, 46236 Bottrop

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Architekt Josef Franke

Josef, Dr. Nuphaus

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Haus Nuphaus

In 1926 / 27 Dr. Josef Nuphaus commissioned the important Gelsenkirchen architect Josef Franke to design half of a semi-detached house for his large family (six children) and his legal/notary practice. The residential and commercial spaces were separated within the house and the layout and furnishings of the rooms corresponded to the social standing of a lawyer and notary of the 1920s. An irregularity in the parquet in the first-floor living room is a reminder of a call button, originally installed to summon the servants. Tea dances were regularly held on the premises.
The ground floor is currently rented. The owner, a grandson of Mr Nuphaus, lives with his family on the second floor. The layout and original furnishings, such as the stucco ceilings and the glazed interconnecting doors in the living rooms, have been largely preserved, especially on the first floor. This storey will soon be used to house an exhibition on the life and work of the architect Josef Franke.
This historically-protected house is situated close to Bottrop town hall and several administration buildings. Together with these contemporaneous buildings, Haus Nuphaus documents the city’s phase of progress from a small country town to a big city. With its expressionist brick ornamentation, the house fits in with the design and materials of the adjacent administration buildings and is classified as being in a so-called “Brick Expressionist” style.

Author: Route der Wohnkultur
Last changed on 23.05.2023


Architecture » Residential buildings » Single and Duplex Houses

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