Rheinturm, Harbour view

aerial view

view from the Rhine

General view

tower deck

Rheinturm bei Nacht

Fernsehturm "Rheinturm"

Stromstr.20, 40221 Düsseldorf



Architekt Prof. Harald Deilmann Dyckerhoff & Widmann

Deutsche Bundespost

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Fernsehturm "Rheinturm"

The Rheinturm is situated very close to the Landtag. The 240.5m tall TV tower is completely made of reinforced concrete, a novelty in structural engineering. This was made possible by using cooling tower construction techniques. The cup-like deck lends the tower its characteristic silhouette. The tower rests on a foundation ring of 34m in diameter, borne by 256 in-situ concrete pillars of up to 22m in length.
The base floor lies like a ring around the tower shaft, with the entrance area above it. The deck accommodates the telecommunications, an open observation platform and a ring storey fully revolving once an hour, which, in turn, accommodates the restaurant TOP 180. In the tower’s shaft, we find the world’s largest decimal clock, designed by Horst. H. Baumann.

Author: editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 26.08.2021


Engineering » Towers

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