renovation Haus Niemann

Wohlfahrtstraße 176, 44799 Bochum

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awarded building converted, renovated or extended

1949 / 2001(Umbau)


Architektin Dipl.-Ing. Anja Köster

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renovation Haus Niemann

The renovation lent the typical estate house a modern appearance. The facade interventions respect the type of house it was, with the windows reaching down to the floor making for a better illumination of the interior.

At the same time, these windows lend the house a modern and lavish appearance.

Inside, this lavishness is demonstrated by the link-up of closed individual rooms to form an open ensemble of rooms.
By using the other rooms beneath the stairs and by creating storage space around pillars and draughts, less furniture is required and the rooms’ openness supported.

The very detailed design reveals the house’s hitherto concealed qualities like lavishness and openness.

Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 08.03.2024


Architecture » Residential buildings » Multiple Housing

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