Präsidentensiedlung / Kaiserblock

Kaiserstraße, Von-der-Tann-Straße, 44143 Dortmund

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Architekt Dipl.-Ing. Ludwig Feldmann

Dortmunder Gemeinnützige Siedlungsgesellschaft mbH, heute DOGEWO

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Präsidentensiedlung / Kaiserblock

The Präsidentensiedlung is a typical example of the statefunded housing that underwent a boom in Germany in the second half of the 1920s. 650 flats were built to the east of Dortmund’s inner city to meet the need for housing across all social strata. The flats therefore vary greatly in size; several are as large as 160 m² while most are around 60 m².
The predominantly 4-storey construction, with attics covering almost the entire top floor, represents a large and very typical housing estate of its period. In creating the meandering arrangement of the buildings, the architect opted not for conventional pitched roofs but for flat ones that are shaped like pitched roofs from the inside. Typical for buildings of the late 1920s is also the use of brick, although the window bands are distinctive. Open areas consist of residential and inner courtyards with trees and green spaces. With its flats virtually unmodified over the years, this residential estate is still today distinguished for the comfortable and convenient life it offers, qualities cherished by people of all ages and origins. The estate showcases for us now the many quality of life factors that were established in the years of the Weimar Republic, factors that are still appreciated today. It is a housing estate that is still meeting the social and aesthetic demands of today’s residents.

Author: Route der Wohnkultur
Last changed on 14.03.2023


Urban Design » Square and Neighbourhood Planning
Architecture » Residential buildings » Multiple Housing

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