Museum Folkwang

Entrance Museum Folkwang

Street view Museum Folkwang

Entrance Museum Folkwang

Museum Folkwang

Museum Folkwang

Entrance Museum Folkwang

Museum Folkwang extension

Goethestr. 41 / Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen

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awarded building listed building converted, renovated or extended

1956-60 / 1983/84 (Erweiterung) / 2009 (Erweiterung)


Horst Loy mit W. Kreutzberger und E. Hösterey Landschaftsarchitekt Dipl.-Ing. Meinolf Hasse Kiemle, Kreidl & Grimbacher Allerkamp und Niehaus Architekt David Chipperfield | David Chipperfield Architects mbH

Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung Neubau Museum Folkwang Essen GmbH

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Museum Folkwang extension

The winner of the City of Essen’s international architectural competition held in March 2007 was David Chipperfield Architects.
The new building by David Chipperfield Architects completes the listed old Museum Folkwang, maintains its autonomy and continues its architectural principle through an ensemble of six structures and four inner courtyards, gardens and lobbies. The publically accessible exhibition rooms are on the same level as the equally publically accessible existing exhibition rooms. A lavish perron leads from Bismarckstraße into the new entrance area, which features an open inner courtyard, a café and restaurant and a book shop. It is closed off toward the street by a glass facade.
The new Museum Folkwang features a varied sequence of rooms with a lot of natural light falling into the exhibition rooms, the library and the reading room, a multifunctional hall for lectures and events, the storage rooms and workshops. The new building is orientated toward downtown Essen and, in conjunction with the adjacent Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (institute for cultural studies), accentuates the townscape in its own fashion.
The sole sponsor of the costs of Euro 55,000,000 was the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung (a foundation).

See also Folkwang Museum

Architekturpreis der Stadt Essen 2010 (Stadt Essen), Preisträger
Architekturpreis NRW 2011 (BDA NRW), Auszeichnung

Author: Pressereferent Museum Folkwang /Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 23.08.2024


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