Cafeteria and dining hall

New part of the Fachhochschule

Library in the new part

Library in the new part

Cafeteria and dining hall in the new part

Library at twilight

Library in the new part

Neubauten der Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen

Neidenburger Straße 43, 45897 Gelsenkirchen

1994 -1997 / 2007 - 2011


Brechensbauer Weinhart + Partner Architekt, Stadtplaner Dr.-Ing. Christian Schramm

Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

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Neubauten der Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen

The new Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen is a complex of buildings erected for the 1,200 economy, physical technology and engineering computer science students.
The three faculty buildings form a row along the two-storey access artery.
Between the faculty buildings, we find two buildings for the lecture halls.
In the east, there is an admin building; the library and dining hall buildings are on the side of the campus. The site is on the south slope, letting natural light fall into the lecture halls and basements.
Green roofs and infiltration ponds, solar panels and absorption heat pumps complete the complex.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 02.01.2023


Architecture » Public Buildings » Universities

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