
Berger Alle 25, 40213 Düsseldorf

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RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky Architektur + Städtebau Architekt Prof. Dr. Egon Eiermann Architekt Prof. Dr. Paul Schneider von Esleben

Mannesmann AG Vodafone AG Real Estate

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The 25-storey building was built between 1954 and 1958 next to the old Mannesmann admin building
by Peter Behrens (1912) and was the first skeleton high-rise in Germany. The skeleton consisted of circular tube supports, at the time the Mannesmann Group’s most important product (Mannesmann-Röhrenwerke).
Edgewise it points toward the riverbank and with its grid facade made of glass and blue-enamelled
steel plate elements radiates lightness and elegance. The white and blue panels draw upon the Group’s colours. The opposite side accommodates the two-storey main entrance hall. On the north side, we find a reinforced concrete core accommodating the lifts and supply lines along all floors. The building has been listed since 1997. After Mannesmann had been taken over by Vodafone, the building was turned in to the Vodafone Group’s European HQ and fully renovated in 2001 till Vodafone left the building in 2012. 2014 the NRW Economics Ministry moved into the former Mannesmann headquarters. The high-rise is still an outstanding part of the city’s townscape.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 17.06.2024


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