view of the courtyard

Märkisches Tor in Dortmund

Märkisches Tor

Löwenstr. 11, 44135 Dortmund



Vinzelberg Architekten

UBS Real Estate Kapitalanlagegesellschaft

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Märkisches Tor

The site in downtown Dortmund was previously used by Siemens. The Vinzelberg Architekten firm developed the area with existing admin and commercial buildings in order to create new office space closely interlinked with the public space.
This led to “Märkisches Tor“, an office complex of a total of 13,500 sq m of floor space. The rental offices are accessed in a decentralised fashion and flexible. Public ways around the building and a central inner courtyard with a pond make for good quality in this public space, too.
The construction project is an important contribution to the revitalisation of the surrounding district. The structure of the buildings is in line with the irregular aspects of the town plan. Their height and the curved facades match the residential buildings nearby. At the same time, the buildings with their metal-glass facades include elements of the admin buildings to the north.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 06.10.2009


Architecture » Commercial Buildings » Offices

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