Konrad-Adenauer-Realschule Hamm


Heideweg 4, 59069 Hamm



wulf architekten

Stadt Hamm

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Konrad-Adenauer-Realschule Hamm

The overall concept of this secondary modern school with a gym was inspired by the typical individual farms which are situated like islands between the town’s quarters.
School and schoolyard form a clear square of 70m x 70m. The meandering ground plan of the building makes for two free spaces; the forecourt with the entrance and the schoolyard proper, facing the countryside.
The “loops” of the ground plan house the forum and the library. The forum is also often used for extracurricular public events.
The entrance area, forum and floors are barrier-free.
The building’s appearance is open and transparent. The forum’s large, transparent facades allow a free interplay of inside and out, deliberately including the exterior in the interior.
In order to lend the forum’s and library’s roofs lightness, on their narrow side on the back they are folded upward like wings.

Author: Stadt Hamm
Last changed on 22.05.2024


Architecture » Public Buildings » Schools/Kindergartens/Nursing homes

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