KAP am Südkai


Agrippinawerft 28-30, 50678 Cologne



KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten

Objektgesellschaft Kap am Südkai mbH

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KAP am Südkai

The glass “Kap am Südkai” forms the southern end of Rheinauhafen. The 130m building consists of a ten-story high-rise building in the south and an adjacent five-storey low building with a platform storey.
The upper storeys accommodate flexible office space arranged around the colourful cores and providing a free view of the River Rhine. The colourful cores, in turn, accomodate the side rooms and facilities and on the roof form the building’s backbone.
On the ground floor we find a public area with restaurants and a huge outdoor terrace and the “KAP Forum".
The “Forum” is supposed to attract interested parts of the population by means of symposiums and debates, film shows and exhibitions of architecture, design and the arts in general. Seminars and further education classes are supposed to turn the 1,800 m² area into a central meeting point for all those involved.
Up on the high-rise, at 40m, the roof garden “Skygardens“ provides an impressive view of Rheinauhafen and the opposite river bank.

Author: Ulrich Grützner (koelnarchitektur) / Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 25.02.2021


Architecture » Commercial Buildings » Offices

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