Gasometer Herne

Gasometer Herne

aerial view Gasometer Herne

Gasometer and sports shop Decathlon

gas tank


Am Gasometer, 44625 Herne

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Architekt Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Günther

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The listed gas holder has always been less known than its brother in Oberhausen - and this although it is no less impressive.
It had been built in 1927 as a coke gas holder, but from 1960 was operated as a nitrogen gas holder. 7,000 sq m of outer surface, 20,000 cubic metres of tankage, 44m high and about 27m in diameter are this giant’s dimensions.
200 steps of a stair tower have to be climbed until you get to the top. Its roof is rather futuristic.
In 2006, architect Frank Günther, specialising in listed buildings, began extensive renovations which focused upon the disposal of toxic remains and an original reconstruction of its exterior.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 11.09.2024


Engineering » Energy

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