Former Zeche Ewald (pits 1/2/7)

Former Zeche Ewald

Pit frame over pit 7

Malakow tower pit 1 and Pit frame pit 2

Ehemalige Zeche Ewald 1/2/7

Ewaldstraße 257-261, 45699 Herten

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1872 / 2002

- keine Angabe -

arbos Landschaftsarchitekten
(conceptual framework)
Architekt Cino Zucchi
(conceptual framework)
Architekt Dipl.-Ing. Martin Halfmann | Halfmann Architekten
(conceptual framework)

Gewerkschaft Ewald

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Ehemalige Zeche Ewald 1/2/7

The former Zeche Ewald 1/2/7 is an important feature of the City of Herten because it displays the development of the city in terms of economic, social and population history in a very illuminating manner. It is important because it reveals various stages of the development of mining architecture from the 1870s to the 1950s through its service buildings and hoisting facilities. Sinking shaft 1 was started in 1872. Extraction began in 1877. Shaft 2, sunk in 1888, was commissioned in 1892. From 1955 onward, shaft 7 became the pit’s central shaft. The pit was shut down on April 28, 2000. After the closure, a new, high-quality industrial site was developed here within the framework of the urbanistic “Landschichten“ (layers of land) concept of Milan-based architect Cino Zucchi, Cologne-based architect Martin Halfmann and the Hamburg landscape planners arbros. Its plans and realisation were recognised at the Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekturpreis 2007 ceremony.
The double-brace frame over shaft 7 is a real landmark. Near the A2 motorway, it is a striking feature and symbolises mining in the Ruhr area.

Author: Stadt Herten
Last changed on 05.03.2008


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