Building for the “Nacht der Industriekultur” (night of industrial culture)


Main building

Pit access

Inner stairwell

Detail energy supply

Exterior for the “Nacht der Industriekultur”

Künstlerzeche "Unser Fritz" 2/3 Herne

Alleestraße 50, 44653 Herne

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1871 / 2008

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Jens Blome Architektur
(renovation of hangar for hauling engines)

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Künstlerzeche "Unser Fritz" 2/3 Herne

The name Künstlerzeche (artists’ pit) stands for one part of the extant ensemble of buildings of the former Zeche Unser Fritz 2/3 pit. In the "Weißkaue" (miners’ showers and storeroom for private clothes), today renowned artists display their works; in the "Schwarzkaue" (storeroom for working clothes) and its gallery events and parties are organised.
For a better ventilation, in 1881 a new shaft was sunk about 700 m north-east of shaft 1. It was commissioned in 1885. A funicular linked it with shaft 1, where the coal was loaded. Both shafts together now yielded more than 200,000 tonnes of coal for the first time. In 1903, a third shaft was commissioned right next to shaft 2 which was the extracting shaft for the entire 2/3 pit from 1907; shaft 2 was now used for ventilation only. However, Unser Fritz 2/3 in its entirety was shut down in December 1925 in the course of a huge streamlining programme affecting the entire Ruhr mining industry.
The hoist shed, renovated and opened in January 2009, adds to Künstlerzeche Unser Fritz an attractive exhibition and event centre. On the canal, a beer garden and a beach café are to be built in 2010.

Author: Route-der-Industriekultur / Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 19.05.2009


Architecture » Public Buildings » Cultural (cinemas, theatres, museums)
Engineering » Energy

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