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Jahrhunderthalle in Bochum

Jahrhunderthalle Bochum illuminated

General view Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

lateral view of the canopy

foyer with water tower

foyer at night

turbine hall

Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

Gahlensche Str.15, 44793 Bochum

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Architekt Heinrich Schumacher
(initial building)

Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft NRW GmbH (LEG)

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Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

Built in 1902 based upon plans by architect Heinrich Schumacher and used as Bochumer Verein’s exhibition and representation hall at the Düsseldorf trade fair, the steel structure consisting of six arch trusses was then dismantled to be put on stream in Bochum as a steam power centre. This use was followed by a locksmithery and a warehouse and an extension by two more buildings.
After its industrial use was stopped, demolition threatened. Having been listed in 1991 and used as a cultural venue within the framework of the IBA Emscher Park, the Jahrhunderthalle in the 1990s became a key element of the plans to revitalise the entire area.
As a result of planning symposiums and an architecture competition, in 2001 the Düsseldorf-based firm Petzinka Pink und Partner was commissioned to convert the building. The objective was to “re-tool” the ensemble of buildings for its new role as an “assembly hall of the arts”.
In accordance with the blueprint, installations inside were more or less done without. Mobile platforms and galleries, flexible curtain systems and computer-aided technology to minimise the problematic echo now allow a simultaneous use of all areas of the total 18,000 sq m, open in terms of their structure.
Today, there are two annexes to make sure the venue can accommodate all events. A transparent foyer with a gallery floor and a porch structure at the south end in its modern style serves as a convincing entree and fits into the historical industrial architecture. In another new building at the northern side of the original structure we find lounges and rehearsal rooms and cloak rooms for the artists.
The Jahrhunderthalle’s transformation into a cultural venue and a central one for the RuhrTriennale has been concluded.

Preis des Deutschen Stahlbaus 2004 (bauforumstahl, DSTV), Auszeichnung

Author: Peter Köddermann (MAI) / editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 23.08.2024


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Architecture » Public Buildings » Cultural (cinemas, theatres, museums)

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