Jagdschloss Falkenlust


Schlossstraße 6, 50321 Brühl

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François de Cuvilliés der Ältere Kurkölnischer Hofbaumeister Michael Leveilly

Kurfürst Clemens August von Bayern

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Jagdschloss Falkenlust

Situated near Schloss Augustusburg in Brühl, Jagdschloss Falkenlust is at the edge of a small wood. The estate served the Cologne Elector and Archbishop Clemens August and some others as a summer residence. Hunting aside, it was also used for court parties and for dinner parties and games. After 8 years of construction, the rococo palace was finished in 1737 by the well-known Electoral-Bavarian court architect Francois de Cuvilliés, who had built an ostentatious palace with an impressive main building flanked by two flat side buildings. The interior has been fully preserved and is very impressive, too. The falcon hunting scenes painted on the ceiling by Laurenz de la Roque are particularly impressive. The palace was in private property until 1960 before it was transferred to state ownership. Since 1974, the former hunting palace is accessible to the public and turned into a museum by the state of NRW. As an example of a unique extant rococo building in Germany, Jagdschloss Falkenlust has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1984, as has Schloss Augustusburg.

Author: editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 03.09.2019


Architecture » Public Buildings » Palaces/Castles/fortifications

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