Epiphaniaskirche Bochum


Dorstener Str. 263, 44809 Bochum

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1929 -1930 / 1993 (Sanierung)


Dipl.-Ing. W. Tiefenbach

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Epiphaniaskirche Bochum

The Epiphanias church in Bochum is one of the few religious buildings from the 1920s that still exist.
The building is characterised by its straight and clear shapes and was made of red bricks. The rectangular belfry stands 29.5m tall and is capped by a steel cross.
In urbanistic terms, the building’s functional form goes well with the industrial and factory buildings around it.
The interior is noteworthy. Its colourful windows contrast with the rather dark shell of the building. Inside is a monument to remind us that the parish survived destruction and war. The cross stands on the fuse of the very bomb that in WWII destroyed the parsonage. Large parts of the church were renovated in 1993. On September 11, 2005, the church was listed.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 17.08.2009


Architecture » Public Buildings » Religious

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