Reconstructed Holy Ark

Alte Synagoge Essen

Steeler Str. 29, 45127 Essen

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1913 / 1987 / 2010

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Architekt Edmund Körner
(original building 1913)

Stadt Essen

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Alte Synagoge Essen

The 70m long synagogue of the Jewish pre-war community, built in 1913, is situated in the heart of the City of Essen and the largest free-standing extant synagogue north of the Alps, thus one of the most significant monuments to the Jewish culture in Germany.
The impressive, self-confident shape of the building was to express the integration and acceptance of Jews in the German empire. The styles range from traditionally Jewish-oriental to occidental-Christian. The 37m high dome is particularly noteworthy.
The 4,500-member synagogue was the Jewish community’s cultural centre until 1933. In the Night of Broken Glass from November 9 to November 10, 1938, it was burnt by the Nazis. Thanks to the steel construction, almost only the interior was destroyed, including a main room for 1,500 people with a number of galleries, an organ and a large bema. The synagogue is now a cultural centre and a memorial for the community that developed after the war.

Author: Dr. Peter Schwiderowski / Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 19.05.2009


Architecture » Public Buildings » Religious

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