aerial view Bismarckturm in the Stadtpark Bochum

Flower beds in Stadtpark

Stadtpark Bochum

Bergstrasse, 44791 Bochum

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1876-78 / 1889-94 / 1903-08

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Gartenbaudirektor Ernst Finken
(last phase of extension)
Gartenbaudirektor Anton Strauss
(architectural design)

Stadt Bochum

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Stadtpark Bochum

Stadtpark Bochum presents itself as a park in the style of an English landscape garden. Various areas like rose, dahlia, rhododendron or shrub garden, the old and diverse trees planted in the varied topography and the pond with the large fountains turn the park into a real experience of horticultural history.
Bismarckturm (tower), at the park’s most elevated point, is still an observation tower, providing a view across the park. The restaurant is found in the historical Parkhaus. A water playground completes the historical park ensemble. Art lovers will find modern sculptures by Ales Vesely and Richard Serra.
A very nice atmosphere obtains in this park in Many and June when rhododendrons and roses are in full bloom and during the “Indian Summer” in October and November.
The park and some bourgeois turn-of-the-century villas are now listed for their special historical and artistic significance.

You find more information at Europäisches Gartennetzwerk (

Author: European Garden Heritage Network
Last changed on 01.04.2008


Landscape Architecture » Parks

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