Conference centre

Conference centre

Seats at Freianlagen Tagungshaus St. Altfrid


Seat with a view of the park



tree alley

Freianlagen Tagungshaus St. Altfrid

Charlottenhofstr. 61 , 45219 Essen



Planungsbüro DTP Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Bistum Essen

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Freianlagen Tagungshaus St. Altfrid

On the foundations of the former palace of the Flick family, industrialists of the region, a new conference centre was built on the Ruhrhöhen in Essen-Kettwig, where the Essen diocese now operates its youth education centre St. Altfrid. The grounds of the "Tagungshaus für die Jugend" finished in 2005 were designed by Davids | Terfrüchte + Partner.
The deliberately unspectacular concept aims at a careful presentation of the very scenic qualities of the place. The park-like site is characterised by old trees, space-building groves and the Ruhr valley’s topography.
Situated at the far end of a wonderful chestnut avenue, the conference centre is enclosed by wood on three sides as if on a clearing. The wood is omnipresent.
A few elements of reduced shapes let the landscape’s uniqueness speak for itself. Angled structures refer to the landscape and the very scenic qualities.
The wide range of different and multifarious places allows guests to find a place of their own in the grounds, if need be.

Author: Davids, Terfrüchte & Partner / Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 24.08.2023


Landscape Architecture » Parks

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