Distribution Station MediaPark

Im Mediapark 16, 50670 Cologne

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KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten Architekt Dipl.-Ing. Sandro Graf von Einsiedel

GEW Köln

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Distribution Station MediaPark

The distribution station forms the end of the a snake-like housing estate at the western edge of Cologne’s Mediapark.
The distribution station’s structure sort of dissolves into both transparent and closed volumes, which makes the various functions discernible. The transformer openings, for example, and the link to the housing “snake” are glazed and provide a view of the technical interior of the plant. The visible steel structure and metal façade of the remaining technical facilities underscore the building’s technical function.
Characteristic of the building’s appearance are the three transformer exhaust air cowls, which are visible from afar and resolve the structure at the top. The glass sides of the bells are equipped with colour holographs designed by the artist Hinstmartin. These are eye-catchers in Mediapark at night. Thus, in this building, technical function, architecture and art are combined in a really exemplary fashion.

Award: Vorbildliche Bauten in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2000 (Land NRW/Architektenkammer NRW) [Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2000; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW]

Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2000; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW
Architekturpreis NRW 1998 (BDA NRW), Preisträger

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 20.02.2024


Engineering » Energy
Architecture » Commercial Buildings » Technical

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