residential house denzer

Zum Rott 13, 53947 Nettersheim

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denzer & poensgen

Andrea Denzer

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residential house denzer

One feature of this house in a rural setting is the modern interpretation of a regional type of construction.
Characteristic of this is the use of regional materials, an orientation toward the village centre, a network of old paths and the creation of a roofed inner courtyard.
The massive base’s material is rubble stone, while the upper floor is made of timber, featuring a larch wood facing. The longitudinal structure of the upper floor and its terrace are orientated toward the town centre.
The cubic shape of the building and its cantilevered upper floor make for an independent modern language of architecture.
In connection with the use of regional materials, this makes for en exciting dialogue between past and present.
The new residential building fits into the grown environment of a typical Eifel village and, on the other hand, is a self-confident statement of modern architecture.

Award: Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia (State of NRW/chamber of architects NRW) Auszeichnung: Vorbildliche Bauten in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2005 (Land NRW/Architektenkammer NRW)

Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW
Holzbaupreis 2006 (Informationsdienst Holz), Preisträger

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 08.01.2020


Architecture » Residential buildings » Single and Duplex Houses

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