West facade and stair towers

View from the south with main tower

St. Bonifatius Kirche


Bonifatiusstr., 44139 Dortmund

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1910 / 1954


Dombaumeister Ludwig Becker
(initial building)
Architekt Emil Steffann

Katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Bonifatius

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St. Bonifatius Kirche

The St. Bonifatius parish church in Dortmund was built in 1910 by the Mainz cathedral architect Ludwig Becker in the neo-Romanesque style. The church was largely destroyed in WWII; only the south-astern and the two western belfries were still standing.
Architect Emil Steffan, responsible for the reconstruction, included these remains in his plans.
The towers contrast with the wide nave and its flatly inclined roof. Re-used rubble stones make for uneven areas in the large brick walls, which makes them come to life, as it were.
The interior is of an impressive size.
The flatly inclined roof covers the nave of the church without supports and three large windows in the south and west facade with their matt lead glazing let light into the room for 400 people. A large arch opens up the aisle toward the nave and provides a view of the altar. The herringbone Brazilian pine wood roof structure and the white plastered walls inside are also noteworthy.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 26.11.2008


Architecture » Public Buildings » Religious

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