Rheinkniebrücke Düsseldorf

Rheinkniebrücke Düsseldorf

Rheinkniebrücke Düsseldorf

Rheinkniebrücke in the twilight


Rheinkniebrücke, 40213 Düsseldorf

1960 - 1969


Stadtbaurat Prof. Friedrich Tamms

Bundesrepublik Deutschland Land Nordrhein-Westfalen

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The Rheinkniebrücke is a half-hip cable-stayed bridge across the River Rhine. It connects the Düsseldorf districts of Friedrichstadt and Oberkassel. Four cables are hung over two 114m pylons to each side of the bridge. The bridge´s main span is 319m, its width 29m. Just like with the other bridges of the “Düsseldorfer Brückenfamilie“ (the Düsseldorf family of bridges), the Rheinkniebrücke also was supposed to get a shape impacting the surrounding landscape as little as possible by its engineers finding a narrow shape. The stream bridge is made of steel, the foreshore bridges are made of reinforced concrete. 9,393 metric tons of steel were used for the stream bridge, with the cables alone having required 1,085t.

Author: editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 04.04.2024


Engineering » Transportation

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