Revierpark Vonderort in Oberhausen

Revierpark Vonderort

Bottroper Straße 322, 46117 Oberhausen

1969-1973 / 2020-2023 (Revitalisierung)


Markus Schürmann | ST-Freiraum Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA

Stadt Oberhausen

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Revierpark Vonderort

In 1969, the architects had 32ha at their disposal to turn the “ruins” of a municipal park of a turn-of-the-century design into Revierpark Vonderort until 1973.
A 4km loop road accesses the quiet, natural zones, which are especially attractive in autumn and winter. There are also summery activities to be pursed, e.g. playing, rowing, riding pedalos, minigolf, on water playgrounds, boccia etc. A lot of wellness activities are also available.
In the adjacent Gesundheitspark Quellenbusch (health park), which was created within the framework of the Internationale Bauausstellung EmscherPark (IBA; construction exhibition) one can relax all over and become re-energised, too: Vegetable, herb gardens, health pyramid, energy spiral, activation labyrinth, meditation garden and kneippism facility form a special place for body and soul. The transparent “Gesundheitshaus” with its cafeteria lets nature in and conveys its philosophy without.

For more information, please visit: Europäisches Gartennetzwerk (

Author: European Garden Heritage Network
Last changed on 30.05.2023


Landscape Architecture » Parks

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