Harenberg City Center

Harenberg City Center aerial view

Harenberg City Center

Harenberg City Center

Harenberg City Center

Harenberg City Center


Königswall 21, 44137 Dortmund



Gerber Architekten
(architectural design)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Polónyi
(structure planning)

Bodo Harenberg

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Harenberg City Center

Since April 1994, the 73m tall Harenberg City-Center has been one of the tallest buildings in Dortmund. It is situated right next to Dortmund main station and has 19 floors above ground and two floors underground.

The office building is used by globally operating companies. Large, expensively designed rooms provide space for conferences and presentations. The bistro is open to the public and provides a panoramic view across Dortmund.

The building consists of two parts, connected by a glass passageway. The tall northern part, right next to the tracks, is structured by a clear, patterned perforated concrete facade.
The part at Königswall is clad in a metal facade and has a striking triangular shape, in line with the road.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 14.03.2023


Architecture » Commercial Buildings » Offices

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