Dump observatory and sundial

Mine dump Hoheward aerial view

sundial overview

obelisk sundial mine dump Hoheward

obelisk of the sundial

obelisk sundial at the evening

Horizon observatory on top

detail horizon observatory

Horizon observatory by night

Aussichtsplattform on stairs


Halde Hoheward

Ewaldstraße 261, 45699 Herten



Prof. Pridik + Freese
(realization / landscape architecture)

Regionalverband Ruhr

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Halde Hoheward

The 750ha “Hoheward der Landschaftspark“ (also called Landschaftspark) will link the cities of Herten and Recklinghausen with a visionary landscape architecture.
At the centre of this landscape park are the Hoppenbruch and Hoheward tips. At about 160ha, Halde Hoheward is probably the largest mining tip in Europe.
The master plan (based upon a competitive plan by Professor Henri Bava) develops the landscape-aesthetic design from a “concept of layering horizons”, which is supposed to make earth and sky an experience at many a level.
In 2006, a horizontal sundial was built, whose hand is a nine metre obelisk.
Even from afar you can also see the horizon observatory finished in 2008, a new landmark of the Ruhr area: Two gigantic arches, 50m tall, (meridian and equatorial arch) span the highest plateau of the tip (152m above sea level). The horizon observatory reveals astronomical and time-reckoning principles.

See also Drachenbrücke

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 24.06.2009


Landscape Architecture » Parks

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