St. Paulus Dome Münster southern view

St. Paulus Dome Münster southern view

aerial view Dom St. Paulus

aerial view Dom St. Paulus

St. Paulus at night

west facade

west facade Dom St. Paulus

View of the paradise St. Paulus Dome

Sculptures at the entrance

Plan of St. Paulus

Dom Münster

Domplatz 33, 48143 Münster

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um 810/820 (Vorgängerbau) / ab 1225 (Neubau) / 14./15./16. Jh. (Umbauten)


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Dom Münster

Dom St. Paulus, the Münster bishop’s cathedral, with its predecessor buildings possibly reaching back into the 8th century (there is no clear excavated evidence yet) documents like no other structure the 1200-year history of see and city.
The existing cathedral is a monumental arch basilica from, in the main, the 13th century, which in a unique way combines the western tendency to wide spaces with Rhenish and French influences.
The cathedral is Westphalia’s main contribution to late-Romanesque architecture in Germany and has thus acquired a national reputation as well

Author: Editorial baukuns-nrw
Last changed on 09.05.2023


Architecture » Public Buildings » Religious

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