Thorn-Prikker House / Lauweriksbauten

Stirnband 38, 58093 Hagen

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Architekt Jan Ludovicus Mathieu Lauweriks
(architectural design)
Zamel Krug Architekten
Ing. Büro Schulte
(supporting structure)

Karl Ernst Osthaus Ackermann Immobilienbewertung

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Thorn-Prikker House / Lauweriksbauten

Around 100 years ago, the city of Hagen was a centre for internationally-renowned artists and architects of the Art Nouveau school. The Thorn-Prikker House is one of nine artists’ residences built beginning in 1909 in Hagen’s “Stirnband” by Dutch architect Johannes Lauweriks on the initiative of art patron Karl Ernst Osthaus. He designed residences that are individual yet consistent, based on strict unifying principles drawn from nature. A single pattern based on a square grid meanders through the design of the entire ensemble, from its pathways to the building details. Taking its name from its first resident, the Thorn-Prikker House with its distinctive gable is the ensemble’s highpoint. Dutch painter Johan (Jan) Thorn Prikker lived and worked in the house for nine years. It was later used as housing and finally as a venue for seminars. In 2008 the house was renovated in accordance with historic building protection guidelines, becoming the headquarters of “Ackermann Immobilienbewertung”. An extension, not part of the original house, was given a modern facade, providing a visual contrast to the old building’s fabric. There are offices on the ground floor. The original atelier on the upper floor was converted into living quarters. In the passage between the apartment and office, part of the stencilling executed by Thorn Prikker was uncovered and restored. A relief by the sculptor Milly Steger on the ground floor
and the ceiling design by Johannes Lauweriks were also preserved.

Westfälisch-Lippischer Preis für Denkmalpflege 2009 (Land NRW und Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe), Anerkennung

Author: Redaktion baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 19.01.2010


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