St. Reinoldi Dortmund

Ostenhellweg, 44122 Dortmund

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1260 / 1665


Johannes Degener

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St. Reinoldi Dortmund

There had been a church at this site, today’s St. Reinoldi, even before 1200. It was destroyed in a fire 1230. The rebuilt nave and transept was finished in 1260 and is the same we find today.
The historical monument is still the heart of the city and one of four medieval Dortmund churches. The pier basilica with a transept is a late-Romanesque church with a late-Gothic chancel. The vestry was built in 1446.
The tower is 112m tall. Its predecessor had been destroyed in an earthquake around 1665. The current one was built in accordance with plans by Johannes Degener. In WWII, the church was destroyed; reconstruction took until 1956.
Inside, we find cross-shaped piers; the high ogive windows of the aisles were built in later. The chancel is of special importance; it is higher than the nave. The church has a rich interior with a number of art treasures and religious objects. About 1420, the winged altar was probably imported from Belgium.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 19.03.2024


Architecture » Public Buildings » Religious

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