Praebausiedlung Dortmund

Burgring, Goslarstraße, Solmstraße, 44359 Dortmund

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1961-1963 / seit 2002 Modernisierung


Architekturbüro ghp - gegus, hellenkemper und partner


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Praebausiedlung Dortmund

Convinced that successful housing modernisation needs the cooperation of tenants, DOGEWO21 entered into dialogue with them to develop an integrated concept for converting 1960s residential estates to meet both current energy standards and the demands of older residents. The Praebausiedlung owes its name to the prefabricated building elements used in its construction. Many older tenants raised their children on this estate, where those same children now live today with their own families.
During the reconstruction of 63 flats in the high-rise Burgring 4/6, great importance was given to reduce barriers. An emergency service and help by neighbours provide a comfortable independent life for senior citizens. External facilities were altered to be barrier-free as well. The facades of the 18 buildings on Solmstrasse and Goslarstrasse, containing around 290 flats, were insulated and brightened with new colour schemes. The estate’s simple building structures were given a new face with the addition of balconies and glass entrance areas. The prominent coloured gables are a key design theme of the estate.
In addition to the redesigning of the green areas, a storm water treatment pilot project was built in cooperation with the Emscher Cooperative (Emschergenossenschaft). It diverts rainwater into the nearby Emscher river by way of troughs and channels, contributing to the renaturation of the Emscher, which in its former incarnation as a public sewer left its mark on the Ruhr area in past decades.

Author: Route der Wohnkultur
Last changed on 23.05.2023


Urban Design » Square and Neighbourhood Planning
Architecture » Residential buildings » large housing development

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