Old School

Friedrich-Gruß-Weg 1, 59071 Hamm

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1910 (ca.) / 2005

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Architekt | Berendt + Teigelkötter Architekten BDA

HGB Hammer gemeinnützige Baugesellschaft

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Old School

Schools were and are a central element in housing estates and neighbourhoods. Given current demographic developments – fewer children, more elderly people in the local area – their subsequent use is also a central theme in Hamm-Werries.
Senior citizens are now living where children sat at their desks as recently as 2003. The former school building contains 12 flats of roughly 60 m² in size that are suitable for senior citizens. Although the building is not listed as historic, the goal of the reconstruction was to maintain all the historic facade’s architectural details. Newly-built balconies enhance the quality of living and a new elevator ensures that no stairs need be climbed. The reconstruction was assisted by rental housing subsidies from the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
There is now an emphasis on community among the residents. A common room with a small kitchen serves as a meeting place. Residents meet weekly as part of their counselling and care.
The old school was retrofitted with two new buildings containing 38 further barrier-free flats. This residential complex is rounded off by 14 newly-built single-family homes whose architecture is also inspired by the old school.
The housing estate’s proximity to parking facilities and more rural areas as well as to the Werries shopping centre provides numerous possibilities for recreation and an Independent lifestyle within walking distance.

Author: Route der Wohnkultur
Last changed on 03.08.2023


Architecture » Residential buildings » Multiple Housing

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