Modernisation project Sedansberg, Wuppertal

Siedlungsstraße 2 - 28, 42281 Wuppertal

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awarded building converted, renovated or extended

1921 - 1923; Umbau 2002 - 2004


Architekt Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Klapa

GWG Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH

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Modernisation project Sedansberg, Wuppertal

Characteristic of this modernisation project is the respectful dealing with the garden town estate of the 1920s.
The estate’s character was preserved and additionally accentuated by the carefully built new façades.
The continuous base of the estate and the entrances with their staircases are highlighted by their red colour, with the shade corresponding with the colour of the roof tiles.
In conjunction with the light plastered facade the ensemble thus gets its modern appearance.
Additional thermal insulation measures and baths make the structure state-of-the-art.
The modernisation of the estate was done gradually in order to allow the residents to stay on the estate, helped by moving management.

Award: Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005 (State of NRW/chamber of architects NRW (Vorbildliche Bauten in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2005 (Land NRW/Architektenkammer NRW)

Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 07.09.2021


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