
Leimkugelstraße 6, 45141 Essen

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Koschany + Zimmer Architekten KZA

Fachhochschule für Ökonomie und Manangement

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With the “Loft-Office“, an industrial shed, last used as an off-licence, was turned into an office building. The objective was to realise an open-plan office in which various admin departments of the Fachhochschule (polytechnic) could cooperate. Enough light had to come in even into the offices facing inside. There was thus an inner courtyard planned that is enclosed by the office on all sides. Part of the closed facade was lavishly glazed too.
To build the inner courtyard, 110 sq m of the roof area had to be removed. The steel structure’s girders were kept in place. The thus created exterior was designed as a green terrace, becoming an essential element of the plan to be experienced from all sides.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 03.08.2023


Architecture » Commercial Buildings » Offices

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