glass facade Visitor Centre Schloss Raesfeld

Visitor Centre Schloss Raesfeld

head view Visitor Centre Schloss Raesfeld

Besucherzentrum Tiergarten Schloss Raesfeld [zoo’s visitors’ centre]

Hagenwiese 40, 46348 Raesfeld

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Trägerverein Tiergarten Schloss Raesfeld e. V.

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Besucherzentrum Tiergarten Schloss Raesfeld [zoo’s visitors’ centre]

The information centre in the zoo Schloss Raesfeld, opened at the beginning of 2005, with its modern exhibition, training and conference rooms serves as a meeting point for visitors and provides information about tourist attractions and such in Raesfeld and the entire region.
On the upper floor, there is a permanent natural and cultural history exhibition about the history of the palace (the Schloss) and the zoo. On the ground floor, we find the “workshop of nature”, where natural and environmental education seminars for all age groups take place.
The new building is of a clearly structured two-storey block design and provides a modern contrast to the historical palace and its gardens. The timber inside is separate from the outer glass shell. The transparent shell provides a clear view of the timber from the outside and, be it day or night, makes for an interesting interplay of shadow and light.
Surrounded by trees, with a blending of interior and exterior, the modern building fits well in to the natural environment, its clear geometrical outer shape notwithstanding.

Exemplary buildings in North Rhine – Westphalia 2005; Land NRW/chamber of architects NRW
Holzbaupreis NRW 2006 (Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW, Landesbeirat Holz NRW, Informationsdienst Holz), Preisträger
Deutscher Holzbaupreis 2005 (Holzbau Deutschland – Bund Deutscher Zimmermeister), Dritter Preis

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw


Architecture » Public Buildings » Cultural (cinemas, theatres, museums)

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