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Total projects: 483
Your search achieved 483 results. The following list is sorted by relevance.
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52062 Aachen
Cathedral with Carolingian octagon of the 790s
52074 Aachen
Compact terraced housing estate with a clear colour and materials concept in consideration of sustainable construction principles
52062 Aachen
New buildings on the former Kaiserbad site in Aachen’s city centre
52074 Aachen
Complex building of a technical modernism style, built in the synchronous mode
52070 Aachen
Former umbrella factory, now used as a museum
52062 Aachen
Classicist representative building around the “Kaiserquelle"
52076 Aachen
Baroque complex of buildings owned by the state of North Rhine – Westphalia
52076 Aachen
A uniform ensemble of pre-industrial town houses around Korneliusmarkt ("Cornelius Market") and Benediktusplatz ("Benedictus Square").
52062 Aachen
Striking building in the heart of Aachen
52058 Aachen
One of once eleven Aachen city gates
33184 Altenbeken
The viaduct made of 25 stonewalled coquina arches is deemed the largest lime malm brick bridge in Europe
59757 Arnsberg
New building of three detached single family houses Arnsberg
53604 Bad Honnef
Prototype of a prefabricated system house
52449 Baesweiler
Park concept on the site of a former pit within the framework of the EuRegionale 2008
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
New town hall in line with the ruin of the old Bensberg castle
59192 Bergkamen
Housing by women for women
33602 Bielefeld
Municipal art nouveau theatre
44789 Bochum
Residential buildings incl. offices as a perimeter development project